Friday, July 22, 2011

Warehouse of dagga and booze destroyed

dop_july 22


Police pour confiscated alcohol into a large container.

In certain parts of the Flats, a warehouse full of booze and a few bags of dagga often means a lekker, fat jol.

But not when cops are in a party-pooping mood, ready to destroy illegal dop and confiscated drugs worth millions.

On Thursday, more than 858kg of dagga went up in smoke and liquor worth more than R125 000 was flushed away by cops in a strong message to criminals.

Western Cape police commissioner General Arno Lamoer told reporters at Delft’s Medical Waste Management: “For the last nine months, police have confiscated drugs worth R7.9 billion. These have all been possible thanks to tip-offs from communities.”

Police officials and the media watched as Lamoer poured famous brands like Southern Comfort, Red Heart Rum, J&B and Klipdrfit into a large container before watching the bags of dagga go up in smoke.

A police official at the Delft facility said that some of the liquor, all of which was confiscated from illegal shebeens, had passed its expiry dates and that some tavern owners even brewed some of the booze.

“We find that some of the alcohol is home-made and that the shebeen owners would stick the labels on themselves,” the official said.

At the end of the operation, those who hoped to score a leftover six-pack were left disappointed when members of the media and SAPS were served snacks, bottled water and soft drinks.

The officers also made sure no one was allowed to stand downwind from where the dagga was being burned.

- Daily Voice

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