Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Stellenbosch lies...

The heavy handed actions of the South African Police in Stellenbosch has caused quite a stir. The bust was a joint operation by the police intervention unit, the local police and local fire brigade, supported by the police legal division.

So the Police charge the pub and let off a shot... clear to see on the video if you care to look

Not so according to Police Commissioner Dirk Mentoor who denied that live ammunition or rubber bullets were used. About a bullet hole in the club's roof, he said: "It could have taken place later. We have a bunch of hostile owners who might want to prove the opposite." Oh really?

The raid was however touted as a success.

Police found only a small plastic bank bag and two joints of dagga and three grams of hashish, at the clubs.

This was later upgraded by Police spokesperson Elliot Sinyangana who said the drug busts, at about 01:00, yielded six pieces of hashish, 150g dagga and some cocaine.

This increase in what was found is interesting. Of course no one is to be charged with possession and it will just fade away.... the question does stand... "Where did the additional drugs come from?" Perhaps Dirk Mentoor could explain that one? It's another convenient lie to "excuse the police actions"

About allegations that the police did not want to handle complaints about the incident over the weekend, Mentoor said it was decided to rather look at the matter collectively on Monday. He said there was no "flood" of complaints after the bust. By late on Monday four charges of assault had been filed with the police. Perhaps he should talk to George de Beer of Honey Attorneys who said he was consulting with several students and their parents and expected to have about 200 statements by the end of the week.Oh really Dirk - you should watch the video! Shame on you for lying to the public like that. Talk about a quick way to undermine confidence in what you are saying.

If the police actions were all in accordance with the Police Act and the CPA then there is no problem. If not? Then resign!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Cannabis is SAFER than alcohol....

Cannabis is safer than alcohol... isn't it time we treated it that way?

No one has EVER died from an overdose of cannabis. Alcohol causes 2,500 deaths per annum in Cape Town alone.

The Minister of Health can promote a healthy lifestyle all she wants, but her true feelings toward other people can be found in her utterances:

"You have the right to kill yourself if you want to," she said.

Oh really? What kind of healthy lifestyle is that? What does an inclination to kill oneself indicate? A health lifestyle? Of course not. She seems to be implying that people are being willful when they drink too much, but she conveniently ignores the fact that people are just exercising their free choice and choosing alcohol over and above all others as it is one of only a few drugs which are legally available.

"I was healthy before I got sick and I am healthy now. If promoting a healthy lifestyle is hypocritical, then I don't know what hypocrisy is."

Perhaps we can rephrase this to read: "I was healthy once... I drank too much... I damaged my liver... I drank in the hospital... I had a transplant... I drink now too... Don't listen to me.. I am hypocrital and a poor example for the whole country... I lie and evade when it suits me so don't expect me to actually do anything constructive.... for example... I haven't even admitted to my past mistakes"

Asked if she would consider an outright ban on alcohol to eliminate alcohol abuse instead of simply increasing prices, she said such a ban was against the Constitution. You have to love people relying on the Constitution without even backing it up with which rights would be infringed upon. In fact there is no right to kill oneself in the Constitution so even there she is incorrect in her assertion that you have the right to kill yourself.

The problem is that you have the right to kill yourself! Cannabis never killed anyone and therefore it is excluded. Any sane rational person would choose cannabis over and above alcohol - excluding the law for a second. Why then is the state against it? Perhaps they want the people to kill each other and die?

Cannabis reduces violence and violent tendencies. This fact in itself is a compelling argument for the release of cannabis from the yolk of prohibition to counter act the negative effects of alcohol.