Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Whatever happened to decriminalising cannabis?

For those of you NOT in the know, the 1998 National Drug Master Plan called for the decriminalisation of cannabis to be investigated (page 18). It's 2010 now. So what happened?

In 2006 the new National Drug Master Plan was rolled out and "decriminalisation" and other "harm reduction measures" just dropped right out.

Whatever happened to the call for decriminalisation? The government DID do a study called the "South African Cannabis Position paper". It is NONSENSE and it's available here. The government hasn't released the document mind you. That would be too embarrassing. The paper would have you believe that cannabis smokers can hold their breaths for "minutes"!! The paper is defective primarily because it failed to properly examine the "harm done by cannabis." Just how many deaths are we talking? None I tell you. I wish I could bring you good news, but the sad reguritated propaganda produced by people singing for their supper is what we have to deal with.

So there you have it. Decriminalisation has gone NOWHERE.

Decriminalisation is not the answer though. Decriminalisation is bad for the law. Decriminalisation means that the police just get to "ignore" the law - usually when involving small amounts only. This is bullshit. Imagine a law stating you were not allowed to carry more than 6 beers at a time? If you've got a seventh one the police can arrest you. It doesn't make sense. Decriminalisation is based on a lie. The law is wrong and the law has to change. The prohibition of cannabis has ruined thousands of lives and with the police now getting big pats on the back for each arrest the rate of injustices perpetrated is accelerating.

On a personal note two weeks ago a friend of mine was caught in possession by 5 policemen. When they weren't expecting it he jumped over the handcuffs, grabbed the joint and ate it. The cops didn't take too kindly to this and beat the shit out of him and then maced him while he was lying on the ground. All this for a joint? I ask you.

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